'I think Donald Trump is a Threat to Democracy': Charlamagne tha God's Strong Words in Bill Maher Interview


AP Photo/Evan Vucci/Richard Shotwell/Invision/File/Luca Bruno

Charlamagne tha God engaged in a heated discussion with Bill Maher on Friday, focusing on his potential vote in the upcoming presidential election. The interaction occurred on Maher's late-night show as they talked about a probable rematch between President Biden and former President Trump.

During the interview, Maher inquired about Charlamagne's stance on the candidates, acknowledging the radio host's reluctance to endorse the current president. Charlamagne responded firmly, stating, “I’m not endorsing anybody, but that doesn’t mean I’m not voting.”

Maher pressed further, questioning why Charlamagne hadn't explicitly stated his support for Biden over Trump if both end up on the ballot. Charlamagne replied, emphasizing his consistent stance on Trump, which he described as a danger to democracy. “I think Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. I think he led an attempted coup in this country. He wanted to, you know, terminate the Constitution to overthrow the results of an election,” Charlamagne stated. “So when I say those things that I just said, does it sound like I’m voting for Donald Trump?”

Maher then asked why Charlamagne wouldn't outright declare his support for Biden. Instead of answering directly, Charlamagne questioned Maher on his approach to other guests. He recalled watching Maher's show when Ken Burke appeared and expressed neither support for Trump nor Biden without receiving pushback. Maher retorted that he challenges such statements regularly.

This tense exchange follows Charlamagne's previous comments about Trump's involvement in the January 6th Capitol attack. In an interview with Fox News, he had accused Trump of orchestrating a coup attempt. Despite having endorsed Biden in 2020, Charlamagne has refrained from doing so for the 2024 election, citing dissatisfaction with both candidates.

Appearing on ABC’s “The View” in late May, Charlamagne expressed his disillusionment with both Biden and Trump, calling them "trash." He defended his stance, arguing that it's more important to focus on protecting democracy rather than endorsing a specific candidate. “If I think both candidates are trash, and I don’t feel like endorsing one, would you rather me endorse an individual or endorse the fact that, hey, we need to go out there and protect democracy?” he asked the co-hosts.

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