Trump’s Chilling Confession: “I Just Want Your Vote”

During a sweltering campaign rally in Las Vegas, Donald Trump candidly expressed his true sentiments towards his supporters. With temperatures soaring past 100 degrees, the former president made a startling declaration. “I don’t care about you. I just want your vote. I don’t care,” Trump said, fully aware of the media backlash that would follow. “The press will take that and they’ll say ‘he said a horrible thing,’” he added, anticipating the reaction to his blunt honesty.

The rally, held in oppressive heat, resulted in six attendees being hospitalized and 24 more receiving on-site treatment for heat-related issues. This event mirrored a similar rally in Arizona just days earlier, where 11 individuals were hospitalized due to heat exhaustion. Trump's campaign dismissed these incidents as mere demonstrations of “enthusiasm.”

Despite the dangerous conditions, Trump’s rallies persist without measures to alleviate the discomfort of attendees. The Nevada rally proceeded despite the ordeal in Arizona, showing a disregard for the well-being of his supporters, many of whom fall into demographics particularly vulnerable to extreme heat.

The former president’s history of disdain for his supporters is well-documented. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump reportedly expressed relief that the highly contagious virus spared him from having to shake hands with what he called “these disgusting people.” Olivia Troye, a former homeland security adviser to Vice President Mike Pence and a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, recounted Trump’s contempt in a 2020 interview with The New York Times. “He talked all the time about the people themselves being disgusting,” Troye revealed. “It was clear immediately that he wanted nothing to do with them.”

Trump’s recent statement in Las Vegas, coupled with his rallies that jeopardize the health of his followers, underscores a troubling dynamic. While his supporters may laugh off his remarks, the underlying message is one of indifference. This raises questions about how Trump expects to secure votes while disregarding the safety and well-being of those who back him.

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