Ukraine Holds Firm Against Russia with American Support


A U.S. HIMARS fires a missile during a military drill in northern Philippines on March 31, 2023. Ukraine's HIMARS have been credited with high-profile strikes on Russian-controlled territory. AP PHOTO/AARON FAVILA

According to a Newsweek report, Ukrainian forces, bolstered by American weaponry, have successfully thwarted Russia's summer offensive in Kharkiv, a senior Ukrainian lawmaker revealed. Yehor Cherniev, a member of Ukraine's Parliament and deputy head of the national security committee, highlighted the crucial role of U.S. arms in neutralizing advanced Russian air defense systems.

"We stopped the Russian offensive operation," Cherniev affirmed in an interview with Newsweek. "We also destroyed some of their quite sophisticated and expensive air defense systems with the U.S. weapons."

The utilization of American military technology compelled Russian forces to redistribute troops and equipment from the frontlines to their rear areas, a strategic shift that benefited Ukraine in safeguarding its territory.

Despite initial gains by Kremlin forces, which saw the capture of over 65 square miles of Ukrainian land, Ukrainian reinforcements effectively contained Russian advancements, inflicting substantial casualties on the invading troops.

President Volodymyr Zelensky hailed this outcome as a significant setback for the Russian military. "The direction is strengthened. And it will be strengthened more," Zelensky emphasized, underscoring Ukraine's resolve to defend its borders against further aggression.

The conflict in Kharkiv also galvanized increased Western support for Ukraine, particularly from NATO members, who began authorizing the deployment of advanced military assets to assist Ukrainian forces directly within Russian-held territories.

Among these assets, the HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) delivered notable successes, including the destruction of a Russian S-300/400 air defense battery near the Belgorod region in early June. Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War noted that such deployments of Western weaponry within Russian borders would play a pivotal role in Ukraine's defensive and future offensive operations.

The Western military support prompted strong reactions from Moscow, with President Vladimir Putin cautioning European nations about the consequences of their involvement. "They should remember that they are countries with small, densely populated territories...This is a factor they should keep in mind before talking about striking Russia," Putin cautioned, emphasizing the potential risks of escalation.

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